In-person Scout Programs San Diego
Zovargo is a GSSD award-winning community partner that brings a variety of unique animals
(mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects) to every badge or journey workshop we provide!
We provide Journey in a Day programs that complete all journey requirements, with the exception of the Take Action Projects. We also provide many badge workshops for all levels of GIRLS!
Outdoor Art Maker - 1.5 Hours
(supplies needed, ask us!)
Eco Learner - 1 Hour
3 Hour Journey in a Day:
Between Earth and Sky
Three Cheers for Animals
Pets - 1 Hour
Bugs - 1 Hour
Making Friends - 1 Hour
Eco Friend - 1 Hour
Home Scientist - 1.5 Hours (supplies needed, ask us!)
Outdoor Art Creator - 1.5 Hours (supplies needed, ask us!)
Outdoor Adventurer Badge, 1 Hour
Inventor - 1.5 Hours
3 Hour Journey in a Day: Quest
Animal Habitats - 1.5 Hours & 1 at-home activity
Entertainment Technology - 1.5 Hours (supplies needed, ask us!)
Flowers - 1 Hour & two at-home activities required
Gardener - 1 Hour
Detective - 1 Hours
Product Design - 1.5 Hours
Eco Camper - 1 Hour
Outdoor Art Explorer - 1 Hour
(supplies needed, ask us!)
3 Hour Journey in a Day: Agent of Change, Get Moving, aMuse
Outdoor Journey (partial completion, girls go camping to complete), Think like a Citizen Scientist
Animal Helper - 1 Hour
Trees - 1 Hour
Business Plan - 1.5 Hours
Science of Happiness - 1.5 Hours
Night Owl - 1.5 Hours
Entrepreneur - 1.5 Hours
Public Speaker - 1.5 Hours
Outdoor Art Apprentice - 1.5 Hours
(supplies needed, ask us!)
Marketing - 1.5 Hours
Eco Trekker - 1 Hour
3 Hour Journey in a Day: aMaze!
Sow What Journey in a Day - Seniors
Voice for Animals - 1 Hour
Sky - 1 Hour
Outdoor Art Expert - 1.5 Hours
Eco Explorer - 1.5 Hours
Business Etiquette - 1 Hour
Adventurer - 1.5 Hours
3 Hour Journey in a Day: Sow What? '
Eco Advocate - 1.5 Hours Water - 1.5 Hours Outdoor Art Master- 1.5 Hours
3 Hour Journey in a Day: Justice
Zovargo Girl Scout Program Testimonials
“What I liked best was that you taught the girls about their power within them, positive examples, and how to interact and impact their world. Love the animals and the girls’ opportunity to meet them. Some of the girls overcame their fears, which is awesome. :) ”
“What I like best is that the Zovargo team was all so educated and kept the 5-6 year olds under control. I really loved the hands-on aspect. The stories were great. Informative!! Loved it all and I learned a lot too! ”
“Educators were knowledgeable and good at keeping the kids engaged. Good Variety of animals. Overall Great experience for the kids! ”
“Thank you so much for this program. I really appreciated that you created a unique new journey in a day! ”
“The hands-on interaction experiences create a wonderful learning opportunity. ”
“What I liked best was the active interactions with the teachers and animals. My daughter had a great experience. Thank you!”
“What I liked best was that this journey made the girls think about relevant issues in a fun way. The animals were a great component. ”
“What I liked best was the enthusiasm of instructors and the animal interactions. My daughter loved the Bengal Cat. ”
“Thank you for today. The program was interesting, fun, and we are taking home some valuable info and I now our girls will be talking about it for a long time. ”
“What I liked best was the way you related the animals to different issues/parts of our life. You are awesome! Thank you for making this available to us! ”
“The educators did a great job, they are very organized. The journey was very well presented! ”
“It’s refreshing to see how you all are so positive, taking time to hear all girls. Never cutting girls short or showing irritation with comments off topic. Your love for what you’re doing shines through. Thank you! What I liked best was empowering girls with women in history and qualities they have in common. ”
Requesting a Girl Scout Program San Diego
Frequently Asked Questions for IN-PERSON Programming:
Where: We come to YOU! We travel to your private home, school, GS HQ, and even public parks for some programs.
How: Our girl scout programs San Diego are always interactive and memorable! The girls get to touch and hold our animals and be part of the program! We don't lecture and there will be no tests - just fun, hand-on learning that aligns with badges and journeys for what is required.
What's the program like? We go by the books! Our programs for the badges always follow the requirements for the badge/journey. The added benefit is we incorporate animals into ALL our programs.
Can I choose the animals? While we are open to receiving requests, our programs have pre-determined animals that align with the content of the program. Please let us know if there's any animals that you would NOT want to come at the time of booking.
Mixed Troops: We can combine some badge programs but we do not combine Journey in a day programs.
Split Sessions: We cannot provide split/multiple sessions for journey or badge programs.
What's Next? Check our availability by going to the Book Now button at the top of the page or you can email or text us at 619-618-0745!